So, in the last post, I implemented the ability to tell the MEGA65 to switch to a different bitstream. The next challenge is to make it possible for the MEGA65 to be able to re-program the contents of the flash memory, so that we can supply people with an updated bitstream, and make it super-easy to upgrade the MEGA65.
First piece of detective work was to realise that we can take a .bit file, remove the 120 byte header, and write it directly to the flash somewhere, and it should Just Work (tm).
So now I need to be able to talk to the SPI boot flash. This is a bit tricky, because the FPGA boot process controls the clock line to this device. Fortunately,
there is a way to put this back under control of the VHDL: Basically you use this slightly magic STARTUPE2 thing, and feed it a clock:
generic map(PROG_USR=>"FALSE", --Activate program event security feature.
--Requires encrypted bitstreams.
SIM_CCLK_FREQ=>0.0 --Set the Configuration Clock Frequency(ns) for simulation.
port map(CFGCLK=>CFGCLK,--1-bit output: Configuration main clock output
CFGMCLK=>CFGMCLK,--1-bit output: Configuration internal oscillator
--clock output
EOS=>EOS,--1-bit output: Active high output signal indicating the
--End Of Startup.
PREQ=>PREQ,--1-bit output: PROGRAM request to fabric output
CLK=>CLK,--1-bit input: User start-up clock input
GSR=>GSR,--1-bit input: Global Set/Reset input (GSR cannot be used
--for the port name)
GTS=>GTS,--1-bit input: Global 3-state input (GTS cannot be used
--for the port name)
KEYCLEARB=>KEYCLEARB,--1-bit input: Clear AES Decrypter Key input
--from Battery-Backed RAM (BBRAM)
PACK=>PACK,--1-bit input: PROGRAM acknowledge input
USRCCLKO=>spi_clock,--1-bit input: User CCLK input
USRCCLKTS=>USRCCLKTS,--1-bit input: User CCLK 3-state enable input
USRDONEO=>USRDONEO,--1-bit input: User DONE pin output control
USRDONETS=>USRDONETS--1-bit input: User DONE 3-state enable output
The important bits here are the USRCCLK and USRDONE signals. Basically the first pair of signals let us control the clock to the SPI flash, while the second lets us control the DONE signal, which the FPGA normally outputs high when it is configured. We just have to keep that one behaving normally, since the MAX10 FPGA depends on it.
When I first attempted to implement this, the system
failed to come up. After a lot of poking around and inadequate
documentation from Xilinx, I found
this project, that actually showed a working instantiation. From there it wasn't long, before I at least had a working bitstream.
actually likely to be helpful for the rest of this part, as well,
because it actually does everything that I want: i.e., it allows
programming of a connected QSPI flash memory. I'm glad to have finally
found some source code that I can look at when I get stuck, to see how
others have solved the same problems.
So in theory at
this point, I have a bitstream with working ECAPE2 for bitstream
switching, and now, a bit-bashing interface that *should* allow me to
talk to the QSPI flash. So I started writing a little test program for
that, that basically tries to read some device information from the QSPI
So, not entirely suprisingly, the test program
doesn't work, in that it doesn't return the device ID. If the pins for
the QSPI flash chip were exposed on the PCB, I'd be able to stick my
oscilloscope on them, and waggle them in software, and make sure that
everything is correct. However, as both the FPGA and QSPI flash are BGA
parts with no exposed pins, there is no such possibility.
should be possible, however, to use JTAG debugging tools to read the
pin status of every pin on the FPGA. The trick is how to do this easily
from command line on linux.
The UrJTAG package
provides the jtag command that *should* be able to do this. After some
hunting for info, the following should work to detect a MEGA65 connected
via the USB debug cable:
jtag> cable FT2232 vid=0x0403 pid=0x6010
Then the detect command should show something connected, like this:
jtag> detect
IR length: 6
Chain length: 1
Device Id: 00010011011000110001000010010011 (0x13631093)
Manufacturer: Xilinx (0x093)
Unknown part! (0011011000110001) (/usr/share/urjtag/xilinx/PARTS)
That's looking good, except that the Artix7 FPGA is not in the part list.
is, however, a newer version of UrJTAG, that has been patched to
support the Artix7 series, and even has a boundary scan file for at
least one version of the chip -- that should allow us to map the JTAG
output to actual pins, which will be very helppful for us.
Unfortunately, the pre-built package for Ubuntu lacks this, so I need to
build it from scratch.
Building UrJTAG is proving
interesting, because it needs ftd2xx.h, which I can't figure out which
package on Linux provides. It looks like it might come from here:
You have to copy the include files from the release/ directory into the
build directory for UrJTAG, and then it seems to build.
builting UrJTAG is a bit of a pain. The "make install" script basically
doesn't work, so you have to do all that yourself. With the new jtag
binary, I now get this:
jtag> cable FT2232 vid=0x0403 pid=0x6010
Connected to libftd2xx driver.
jtag> detect
IR length: 6
Chain length: 1
Device Id: 00010011011000110001000010010011 (0x13631093)
Manufacturer: Xilinx (0x093)
Part(0): xc7a100t (0x3631)
error: Unable to open file '/usr/local/share/urjtag/xilinx/xc7a100t/STEPPINGS'
Unknown stepping! (0001) (/usr/local/share/urjtag/xilinx/xc7a100t/STEPPINGS)
that's a step forward, but I have no idea yet where to get this
STEPPINGS file from, or if it really is necessary. Ah, that was also
just a problem with the install script not working. After manually
copying the data/ directory's contents into /usr/local/share/urljtag,
it works:
jtag> detect
IR length: 6
Chain length: 1
Device Id: 00010011011000110001000010010011 (0x13631093)
Manufacturer: Xilinx (0x093)
Part(0): xc7a100t (0x3631)
Stepping: 1
Filename: /usr/local/share/urjtag/xilinx/xc7a100t/xc7a100t-csg324
is all very nice, except that it thinks is the 324 pin part, not the
484 pin part that is actually in the MEGA65 R2 PCB. It seems that
UrJTAG might not support multiple variants of the same part, which is a
bit annoying.
The first step, though, is to find the
information required to actually even make the file. This seems to be
available behind the license-wall at:
Using my account there, I downloaded the zip archive of BSDL files, and
it seems that they are indeed the source material that I need. The
PIN_MAP_STRING in each file seems to be the reverse-order of what
appears in the UrJTAG file. The syntax of BSDL is a bit weird, being
VHDL derived, so where there are multiple pins defined on a single line,
I'll have to work out how to parse those.
It turns out that UrJTAG has a parser utility for doing this:
bsdl2jtag xc7a100t_csg324.{bsd,jtag}
error: -E- error: In Package STD_1149_6_2003, Line 375, Error in User-Defined Package declarations.
error: -E- error: BSDL file 'xc7a100t_csg324.bsd' contains errors in VHDL stage, stopping
error: system error: Success Cannot open file STD_1149_6_2003 or /usr/local/share/urjtag/bsdl/STD_1149_6_2003
as we can see, it is missing some files. I suspect the install target
of the Makefile might again be the problem here. Nope, apparently it
just doesn't support STD_1149_6_2003. But someone has
implemented the missing file. Unfortunately, it gives some error about user defined packages. Someone else just took to
modifying the BSDL files to remove the need for STD_1149_6_2003. I might try that next.
as I am out and about this morning, I took a Nexys4DDR board with me,
which does have the exact chip that UrJTAG already supports, since I
figured that should "just work", and I should be able to poke around
with it while waiting for appointments. Well, I don't get the error I
described above, but I do instead get:
jtag> cable FT2232 vid=0x0403 pid=0x6010
Connected to libftd2xx driver.
jtag> detect
warning: TDO seems to be stuck at 1
I don't know, is whether this is further along or not as far along as
the other. I am guessing it is not as far along, since if the JTAG bus
is stuck, it won't enumerate, and indeed, we are seeing a lack of
enumeration. Fortunately I am
not the only person with this problem. Let's try some of their proposed solutions...
none of the suggestions on that page work. I'd suspect that my FPGA
board is broken, except the fpgajtag command I use to send bitstreams to
the FPGA via JTAG works perfectly. So the JTAG interface *does* work,
and my computer *can* communicate with it. Most frustrating.
also took a look at OpenOCD, an open-source JTAG tool for Linux etc.
This is an excellent project in many ways, but was never designed with
doing simple FPGA boundary scans in practice. Thus as a result, it
still isn't in any way trivial to do them with it. I am sure if I
invested enough time and energy I could figure out how to do it, but I
really don't want to have to do that, if I don't have to.
did take a quick look at the internals of the fpgajtag command, to see
if I could easily adapt it. It looks reasonably well-structured, but
for someone who doesn't know that much about JTAG (although I am
learning), it isn't immediately obvious what I would need to change.
then I started looking at Vivado to see if the hardware manager in
there can easily do a boundary scan. I am sure it can, but even after a
pile of Googling, I can't actually figure out how to do it. There is a
lot of talk about needing a debug bitstream or some debug core in the
project. This strikes me as incomplete information at best, since the
JTAG interface on an FPGA, if not disabled, can ALWAYS do a boundary
scan, if I understand things correctly. Also, my workstation this
morning doesn't have mains power, so I don't want to kill my battery
before the kids swimming lessons finish for the morning:
The best thing I have found so far is this:
whatever the JTAG library is that the example source code was written
for isn't immediately clear, it does show how to go through the process
of performing the boundary scan at a low level. It might thus be enough
information, together with the fpgajtag source, to cook something up
that can work. I have found the Xilinx BSDL files for the FPGAs I care
about already, so in theory, I have all the information I need.
also gives me hope of being able to take control of pins on the FPGA,
so that I can more quickly test and develop things like this QSPI
interface, as I can potentially avoid having to synthesise every change,
but instead be able to bit-bash over JTAG. But of course, I have to
succeed in actually getting SOMETHING to work, before I can get that
Well, at least integrating fpgajtag into
monitor_load was relatively easy: The only slightly tricky part was
re-doing the command line interface parse stuff. But I do want to extend
it a little further, so that the fpgajtag stuff which correctly works
out which USB serial port to talk to, can also be used to automatically
find the correct serial port for the normal monitor_load
communications. This was also not too hard, once I found out that I
could map the /dev/ttyUSBx paths to the entries in
/sys/bus/usb-serial/devices, and look at the destination of those
symlinks to check that the USB bus and port match.
now, in theory, I have all necessary ingredients to adapt to be able to
run a boundary scan from within monitor_load, so long as I can figure
out how the fpgajtag code does the JTAG communications. But this is
not proving as simple as I would like, as fpgajtag has what seems to be a
quite clever mechanism for abstracting the low-level JTAG operations.
there is little documentation in the source, and I am struggling to
understand how to adapt it. I'm pulling my hair out enough that I have
logged an issue on the fpgajtag github repository
asking for some help in understanding their code. Within a few hours, I
had received some pointers to documentation for the FTDI serial
adapters, which gave me enough information, with quite a lot of trial
and error, to work out how to control the JTAG interface. This will
also come in handy in the future, when we get to implementing updating
the keyboard CPLD from the MEGA65 itself as well, as I will need to
implement a JTAG interface for that.
Anyway, back to
the point, I now seem to be able to read some JTAG boundary scan data
from the FPGA. It seems to be shifted by a few bits, and I don't yet
capture it all, but I am able to see bits toggle as I flip the switches
on a Nexys4 DDR board, and in roughly the right place in the boundary
scan register. I suspect the bit order of the bytes might be flipped,
and that I need to ignore the first 6 or so bits, to make up for the
bits of the boundary scan command itself being shifted out. But the
important thing is that I can now read boundary scan data. The changes I
made to the read_idcode() function to tell it to switch to boundary
scan mode ended up being quite simple:
write_bit(0, 0, 0xff, 0); // Select first device on bus
write_bit(0, 5, IRREG_SAMPLE, 0); // Send IDCODE command
(Checkout if you would like to see it all together.)
switches the JTAG interface from Reset to Idle, then to IR-Capture,
send the JTAG SAMPLE command so that it ends up in the IR register, and
then returns to Idle state, ready for the usual logic to shift bits in
and out. The boundary data is then in the data shifted back in. All
quite simple, once I had worked it out!
With a bit
more work, I have now implemented an amazingly quick and dirty scanner
for both the XDC and BSDL file formats. XDC files inidicate the pins
used by a project, while BSDL files have the information about the FPGA
itself, importantly including the JTAG boundary scan information. With
these parsers, and a bit of glue, I can not only show the status of each
FPGA pin, but also the name of the pin in the project. While there is
plenty of room to improve this, the result is already really nice. Here
is a little sample of the output on a Nexys4DDR board:
monitor_load -J src/vhdl/nexys4ddr-widget.xdc,${HOME}/build/artix7/public/bsdl/xc7a100tl_csg324.bsd
make: „src/tools/monitor_load“ ist bereits aktuell.
fpgajtag: Digilent:Digilent USB Device:210292645477; bcd:700; IDCODE: 3631093
Auto-detected serial port '/dev/ttyUSB1'
FPGA is assumed to be a XC7A100TL_CSG324, with 989 bits of boundary scan data.
bit#2 : CCLK_E9 (pin E9, signal {QspiSCK}) = 1
bit#3 : M0_P12 (pin P12, signal <unknown>) = 1
bit#4 : M1_P13 (pin P13, signal <unknown>) = 0
bit#5 : M2_P11 (pin P11, signal <unknown>) = 1
bit#6 : CFGBVS_P8 (pin P8, signal <unknown>) = 1
bit#10 : INIT_B_P7 (pin P7, signal <unknown>) = 1
bit#13 : DONE_P10 (pin P10, signal <unknown>) = 0
bit#53 : IO_U8 (pin U8, signal {sw[9]}) = 0
bit#56 : IO_T8 (pin T8, signal {sw[8]}) = 1
we have filtered out all the bits that are not marked "input" in the
BSDL file, which dramatically shortens the list of output.
we see the nice mapping of the BSDL bit names to FPGA pins and project
signals. sw[9] and sw[8] are two of the slide switches on the Nexys
board, and I can happily twiddle those, and re-run the scan, and see the
changing values. So I am confident overall that its working, and that I
can finally go back to what I was trying to do at the begining: Check
whether I am correctly controlling the QSPI interface pins, in
particular the CCLK pin.
So let's actually fire up a
bitstream, and see if we can control the pin... and indeed I have
confirmed that everything except the pesky clock pin is controllable.
This is what I had most suspected would be the problem, but now I don't
have to suspect -- I can inspect! But solving that will have to wait
for the next blog post.
Meanwhile, if you would like to support me, I've setup a ko-fi page at