Friday 12 June 2020

Fit testing the injection moulded case sample

Another post where I promise to be short on the words, so that you can just enjoy seeing the MEGA65 hardware become a reality:  This time we have the components all being put together to make sure that everything fits.

These photos are hot off the press -- as you can read in the labels on the case parts, they were only manufactured on the 8th, and its now early on the 12th.  I'll wait to hear from the team if any problems have been spotted, but so far it looks fantastic to me.  The keyboard has enough clearance around all the keys so that none should jam (a problem on the real C65 prototypes, where the cursor keys and return were rather problematic).

But as promised, I'll now shut up, and let you enjoy the eye candy.


  1. Ich freue mich schon sehr auf das fertige Modell. :)
    Ich hoffe es bald erwerben zu dürfen. ^^

  2. Very nice indeed!

  3. It looks absolutely amazing! Seeing it all come together here is just incredible - I want one so badly now! :)

  4. Gut gemacht !

    Wieviel soll er final kosten ?

    1. Den Preis wissen wir noch nicht bescheid. Aber wir werden alles klar und deutlich verteilen, so bald wir es wissen.

