Saturday 2 March 2019

Auto-Detecting Required Revision of DMAgic Chip, improving default audio mixer settings

In the last hour or two before I fly home from Germany, we decided to tackle a couple of little things to make the system easier to use:

The Commodore 65 prototypes have one of two different revisions of the DMAgic DMA chip, which are not entirely compatible with one another, because the format of the DMA lists differs.  The revision B list has an extra sub-command byte between the destination bank and modulo bytes, as these example lists show:

        ; F018A DMA list
        .byte $04   ; COPY + chained request
        .word 1996  ; 40x25x2-4 = 1996
        .word $0400 ; copy from start of screen at $0400
        .byte $00   ; source bank 00
        .word $0404 ; ... to screen at $0402
        .byte $00   ; screen is in bank $00
        .word $0000 ; modulo (unused)

        ; F018B DMA list
        .byte $04   ; COPY + chained request
        .word 1996  ; 40x25x2-4 = 1996
        .word $0400 ; copy from start of screen at $0400
        .byte $00   ; source bank 00
        .word $0404 ; ... to screen at $0402
        .byte $00   ; screen is in bank $00

        .byte $00   ; F018B sub-command
        .word $0000 ; modulo (unused)

Basically having the wrong mode makes MEGA65 BASIC do all sorts of odd things, like produce the delightful ? PROGRAM MANGLED  ERROR.  We should try to avoid those, so it would be great for the boot ROM to automatically recognise when a C65 ROM is loaded, and to know which DMAgic revision the ROM needs.

Fortunately, this is fairly easy to do, because at offset $16 in the C65 ROM there is a string like "V910111" that indicates the date of the ROM.  So we can just check for the V there, an then test the date.  If it isn't a C65 ROM, then it doesn't matter which DMAgic mode we use, so there is no problem from false positives.  Then all we need to know, is from which date the new DMAgic was required, and that turns out to be from V910523, so a little bit of code to test the date, like the following is called for:

        ; Set DMAgic revision based on ROM version
        ; $20017-$2001D = "V9xxxxx" version string.
        ; If it is 900000 - 910522, then DMAgic revA, else revB
        lda #$16
        sta zptempv32
        lda #$00
        sta zptempv32+1
        sta zptempv32+3   
        lda #$02
        sta zptempv32+2
        ldz #$00
        lda (<zptempv32),z
        cmp #$56
        beq @hasC65ROMVersion
        ; Check first digit is 9
        lda (<zptempv32),z
        cmp #$39
        bne @useDMAgicRevB
        ; check if second digit is 0, if so, revA
        lda (<zptempv32),z
        cmp #$30
        beq @useDMAgicRevA
        ; check if second digit != 1, if so, revB
        cmp #$31
        bne @useDMAgicRevB
        ; check 3rd digit is 0, if not, revB
        lda (<zptempv32),z
        cmp #$30
        bne @useDMAgicRevB
        ; check 4th digit is >5, if so, revB
        lda (<zptempv32),z
        cmp #$36
        bcs @useDMAgicRevB
        ; check 4th digit is <5, if so, revA
        cmp #$35
        bcc @useDMAgicRevA
        ; check 5th digit <=> 2
        lda (<zptempv32),z
        cmp #$32
        bcc @useDMAgicRevA
        cmp #$33
        bcs @useDMAgicRevB
        ; check 6th digit <3
        lda (<zptempv32),z
        cmp #$33
        bcc @useDMAgicRevA
        ldz #$00
        lda #$01
        tsb $d703

        ldx #<msg_dmagicb
        ldy #>msg_dmagicb
        jmp printmessage

        ldz #$00
        lda #$01
        trb $d703
        ldx #<msg_dmagica
        ldy #>msg_dmagica
        jmp printmessage

And then the boot ROM can now automatically work out the correct DMAgic version, and tells you at boot time which it has selected, as can be seen in the messages below:

While we were fiddling with that, we also decided to improve the default audio-mixer settings, so that the microphones are not connected to the line out by default, but are for the cellular modems, and generally improve the audio line levels for the SIDs.  The output volume is now much better, and it all sounds nice and clear and loud.

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